Producing Broadcast Content for Clients in Pasadena, CA

At Media Projects Group, we believe in the impact of the stories you aim to tell. In particular, we have established ourselves as the choice video professionals for Pasadena’s media bodies.

Oliver Brown

Proin eget sem ornare massa egestas maximus at vel ipsum. Maecenas placerat elementum risus et finibus.

Mike Bingley

Nulla malesuada nec justo in rhoncus. Vivamus eget sodales ante. Curabitur purus risus, congue sit amet turpis eu, pretium vulputate tortor. Proin tempus

Michelle Lembo

Proin tempus metus velit, eu vehicula odio consequat a. Ut diam eros, ornare eget placerat commodo, varius in magna.

Our Broadcasting Experience

The company’s creative team has worked for KPAS, Pasadena City’s government television station, and PCN, its community station. They both operate under Pasadena Media, a nonprofit organization that facilitates, promotes, and produces the public service broadcast programming of the city’s community access channels.

We have also produced programs such as “City Beat,” “Your City at Work,” and “Good Day Pasadena.” Our work experience encompasses promotional and educational films for the city government’s units including the police, water and power, public health, and fire departments. We also cover huge city events like the annual Mayor’s State of the City Address.

Start Your Video Project With Us

Be it a live coverage of the elections, a press conference, or a local concert, we are the team to trust. We will provide you with unparalleled video services. We’ll produce content that promotes your organization and highlights your campaign. Contact us today for more information.